16 Fun "Getting To Know You" Icebreakers for Kids Perfect for School

When you’re preparing for back-to-school season, it’s the perfect time to pull out all your fun, new “getting to know you” classroom activities or icebreakers for kids. Back-to-school icebreakers can go a long way in the early weeks of school to help your students feel more comfortable in the classroom. Plus, they will get to know you and their classmates!

Whether your school shuffles students around from year to year, you’ve got a batch of pre-K or kindergarten students who are brand-new to attending school, or you’ve got some new kids who just moved into the district, using first day of school and first week of school icebreakers can make a big difference in creating a team atmosphere and maybe even help your students forge new friendships.

The teachers on the Teach Starter team have put together some of our favorite ideas for breaking the ice and helping students through that crucial getting-to-know-you phase of a school year. Read on for tips on how to introduce an icebreaker and some ideas for your elementary classroom!

What Is an Icebreaker?

If you’re not familiar with the idea of “getting to know you” icebreakers, maybe it’s simply because you haven’t used that term before.

Icebreakers are activities that are fun and built around loosening students up, helping them “break the ice” so to speak with you and other classmates who they might not know very well.

Maybe you’ve done your own fair share of icebreaker activities in staff meetings or during an orientation, but they were called openers or challenges that just so happened to kick things off? Then you know they can help give people something to talk about and help them quickly build up a rapport.

Best of all … we’ve got plenty of fun icebreaker games and activities for kids from pre-school on up to middle school!

Icebreaker Games and Activities for Kids

It’s important that any icebreakers you use to help your students in the getting-to-know-you phase aren’t requiring young kids to take social risks they aren’t ready for. This can do the opposite of what you’re hoping to do — forcing shy students back into their shells, rather than creating familiarity and comfort in the learning environment.

You’ll also want to steer clear of icebreakers for kids that are just too cheesy. Primary students may give you a pass, but those older kids — especially fourth grade on up — will let you know they’re just not into it!

One final note before we share our favorite fun icebreaker games and activities: Focus on points of commonality that don’t leave students out. Asking students to share information about their family, for example, can be rife with sensitive spots. Make sure students are all on equal playing fields.

Fold Getting to Know You Fortune Tellers

Whether you call them cootie catchers or fortune tellers, the popular paper flap games are a big hit in the classroom. But did you ever think to use them as an icebreaker? Print out the fortune teller template (it’s free!), and fill it in with getting-to-know-you questions such as “what day is your birthday?” and “how many siblings do you have?”

Photocopy, and distribute to your students, splitting them into groups of two to play “fortune teller” together. They’ll have fun seeing if the fortune teller can guess the correct answers!

fortune teller icebreaker game for kids

Best for grades: 3 through 6

Find Four Classmates

Find Four is a great icebreaker for helping kids get up and get those wiggles out while introducing themselves to their new classmates. The premise is simple:

Best for grades: 2 through 5

Chase the Name

Remember ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’? This fun icebreaker activity is a twist on the classic playground game and a great one to help new students remember each other’s names.

Best for grades: Pre-K and up

Go on a Classmate Scavenger Hunt

Send your students on a scavenger hunt to break the ice with their new classmates … only they don’t need to find something. They need to find someone, or rather several someones! Very similar to Find Four, this icebreaker for kids may be more appropriate for smaller classes where “finding four” might be tough or for younger students.

From someone who has a pet to someone who has blue eyes, this activity gets kids up and moving, as well as meeting and greeting their classmates.

Best for grades: 1 through 3

Classmate Scavenger Hunt Worksheet with orange

Play Two Truths and a Lie

This game is a classic (and fairly addictive) icebreaker for kids that can be played as a whole class or in small groups.

  1. Each person in the class comes up with three statements about themselves. Two should be true statements, and one should be false. Depending on the age of your students, you might allow them to think up the statements and keep them in mind or to practice writing them down.
  2. Working your way down the class list, call on students one by one.
  3. When called on, each student should announce their 3 statements for the rest of the class to determine which statement they think is false.

Some different ways to play this game are:

Best for grades : 2 and up

Throw a Beach Ball Icebreaker Game

Beach ball icebreaker game

Photo courtesy of fourth and fifth grade teacher Lana

The Beach Ball Icebreaker game is another classic and fun way for you to get to know your students and for your students to get to know each other!

This game can be so easily tailored to suit the context of your classroom or the time of year. You could prepare a variety of beach balls to bring out for brain breaks too (check out six of the Teach Starter teachers’ favorite ways to use balls in the classroom)!

For example, with a new class, you may write some more basic “getting to know you” questions such as “What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?” Returning from a break with a class you already know you may write different questions like “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?”

Complete an All About Me Poster

Get to know your students and save time on a Back-To-School or Meet the Teacher Night bulletin board display with a simple All About Me activity. This printable poster will have your students highlighting themselves in the following prompts:

After your students have completed their posters, ask for volunteers to see who would like to share their creations in front of the class!

Best for grades : 2 and up

Back to School About Me Poster with pink

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face

Hey, we promised these icebreaker games were fun, right? Well, this one is FUN, and for fans of the YouTube “try not to laugh” challenges, it will be a big hit!

Best for grades: Pre-k through 3

Play a Back to School Scatter Game

This fun Scattegories-style icebreaker game will initiate classroom introductions and promote team building!

Here’s how to play:

Best for grades: 2 through 5

Back to School Scatter Game with green

Play Heads or Tails

This is an easy icebreaker game to play in the classroom that requires almost no set-up. All you need is a pile of pennies and your whiteboard markers!

Best for grades: 2 and up

Alternate ways to play:

Instead of writing it all out, try one of our Would You Rather question sets that are available in Google Slides!

Would You Rather Question Cards with green

Create Cards for a Memory Matching Game

Another twist on a familiar classic, this is a great icebreaker game for older students. In this game, students create their own cards to play a game of memory with a partner.

Play a Movement Break Task Card Game

This icebreaker game is great for the lower grades, and it makes for a great movement break during those early days of school. Download the task cards, and tell your students to stand up near their desks or in a circle. If the weather is nice, you may even want to take the class outside to get some of their wiggles out while the kids get to know one another.

As each card is read aloud to the students, they respond appropriately if the information applies to them, e.g., jump up and down if you have an older brother. Students will find that there will be many cards that do apply to them, and many that do not. They simply stand still for those cards that are not applicable and get to know their classmates!

Best for grades: Pre-K and up

STEM Icebreaker Activities

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities make fantastic icebreakers as they encourage kids to work together and start building a team mentality. It can also take some of the pressure off shy students who may feel uncomfortable with activities that focus on aspects of themselves and their own lives.

STEM tasks help you to assess where your new students are at in terms of general knowledge and higher-order thinking skill development. Additionally, you will be able to see how students work in groups which will help with classroom and behavior management planning.

green bar with the words click print teach, see free printables now

Here are some great open-ended STEM tasks that your students can work on in small groups.

This set of STEM task cards for early elementary students contains 22 different challenges that students can complete with commonly found and easily sourced materials. From creating the tallest button tower to racing cars without using their hands, these activities are a super fun way to get kids engaging with their new peers.

Upper Elementary STEM Task Cards

You can download this “Build a Raft” STEM challenge ! Or you check out our STEM Challenge Task Cards for upper grades too.