Kentucky Uniform Police Traffic Collision Report

The Kentucky Uniform Police Traffic Collision Report has several codes to help identify different parts of an auto accident. The codes range from the types of vehicles involved to possible causes of the accident. Here is a guideline of what you should do if involved in an accident.

Collision Report

What you should do if you’re in an accident
First, contact the police. That way an accident report can be filed. This is important because it gets the names of those involved in the accident, the time and date, where the accident happened and what was damaged in the accident. The police will also record insurance information and any citations that were issued. Once the police officer has filed the accident report, it will be available online or it can be mailed using the U.S. Mail Service. The length of time that it takes for you to get the report depends on which method you choose to receive it. It can take anywhere from one to 10 days. It’s important to remember that each county in Kentucky has different rules, so it’s important to know what the rules are in your county.


The Lawyer Who Wrote the Book

Here are some helpful articles, research studies, statistics and Kentucky accident resources to assist you in finding the right information you need. There are plenty of articles on a variety of subjects such as recalls, auto accident updates, forms, studies and press releases from The Schafer Law Office.

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