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Previous Next“SURRENDER OF RIGHTSFINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION NOTICE TO PARENT OR GUARDIAN: This is an important legal document and by signing it, you are surrendering all of your rights to the child identified in this document, so as to place the child for adoption. Understand that you are signing this document under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this document you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. As explained below in paragraph 5, you have the right to revoke this surrender within four days from the date you sign it. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of parent or guardian) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows:
“NOTICE TO REVOKE SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION I, the undersigned, executed a (SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION) (PRE-BIRTH SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION) [circle one] as to the child identified in the surrender of rights document on (date). My relationship to the (child) (unborn child) [circle one] is that I am the (mother) (father) (alleged biological father) (guardian) [circle one]. This notice to revoke my surrender of rights applies to the (female) (male) [circle one] child born (name of child) on (birthdate of child). (Complete this paragraph if the child has been born.) I now wish to exercise my right to revoke my surrender of rights. I understand that for my revocation of surrender to be effective I must: A. Deliver the original of this document in person to the address designated in the surrender of rights document no later than 5:00 P.M. eastern standard time or eastern daylight time, whichever is applicable, on the fourth day of the revocation period specified in the surrender of rights document; OR B. Mail the original of this document by registered mail or by statutory overnight delivery to the address designated in the surrender of rights document no later than 12:00 Midnight eastern standard time or eastern daylight time, whichever is applicable, on the fourth day of the revocation period specified in the surrender of rights document. This day of , . (Parent, guardian, or alleged biological father) (Printed name) Adult witness”
“SURRENDER OF RIGHTSFINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION NOTICE TO PARENT OR GUARDIAN: This is an important legal document and by signing it, you are surrendering all of your rights to the child identified in this document, so as to place the child for adoption. Understand that you are signing this document under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this document you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. As explained below in paragraph 8, you have the right to revoke this surrender within four days from the date you sign it. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of parent or guardian) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows:
“SURRENDER OF RIGHTSFINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION NOTICE TO ALLEGED BIOLOGICAL FATHER: This is an important legal document and by signing it you are surrendering all of your rights to the child identified in this document. Understand that you are signing this document under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this document you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. As explained below in paragraph 4, you have the right to revoke this surrender within four days from the date you sign it. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of alleged biological father) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows:
“SURRENDER OF RIGHTSFINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION NOTICE TO PARENT OR GUARDIAN: This is an important legal document and by signing it, you are surrendering all of your rights to the child identified in this document, so as to place the child for adoption. Understand that you are signing this document under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this document you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. As explained below in paragraph 6, you have the right to revoke this surrender within four days from the date you sign it. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of parent or guardian) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows:
“PRE-BIRTH SURRENDER OF RIGHTSFINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION NOTICE TO ALLEGED BIOLOGICAL FATHER: This is an important legal document and by signing it, you are surrendering any and all of your rights to the child identified in this document, so as to place the child for adoption. You have the right to wait to execute a SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION after the child is born, but by signing this document, you are electing to surrender your rights prior to the birth of this child. Understand that you are signing this document under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this document you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. As explained below in paragraph 6, you have the right to revoke this pre-birth surrender within four days from the date you sign it. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of alleged biological father) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows:
“ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURRENDEROF RIGHTS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of parent, guardian, or alleged biological father) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: (A) That I have read the accompanying (PRE-BIRTH SURREN-DER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION) (SURREND-ER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION) [circle one] relating to the child born (name of child), a (male) (female) [circle one] on (birthdate of child); (B) That I understand that this is a full, final, and complete surrender, release, and termination of all of my rights to the child; (C) That I have the unconditional right to revoke the surrender by giving written notice, delivered in person or mailed by registered mail or statutory overnight delivery, to (name and address of child-placing agency or its representative, out-of-state licensed agency or its representative, Department of Human Services or its representative, individual to whom surrender is made or his or her agent, or petitioner’s representative, as applic-able) within four days from the date of signing the surrender and that after such four-day revocation period I shall have no right to re-voke the surrender. I understand that certified mail cannot be used for mail delivery of the notice to revoke the surrender of my rights. I understand that, if I deliver the notice to revoke my surrender in person, it must be delivered to (name and address) not later than 5:00 P.M. eastern standard time or eastern daylight time, whichever is applicable, on the fourth day; provided, however, that if I mail the notice by registered mail or have it delivered by statutory overnight delivery, I must address it to the address shown in the surrender document and submit it to the United States Postal Service or to the statutory overnight deli-very carrier not later than 12:00 Midnight eastern standard time or eastern daylight time, whichever is applicable, on the fourth day. I understand that the four days will be counted consecutively beginning with the day immediately following the date I signed the surrender; provided, however, that, if the fourth day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the last day on that is which the surrender may be revoked will be the next day not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday; (D) That I have read the accompanying surrender of rights and received a copy thereof; (E) That any and all questions regarding the effect of such surrender and its provisions have been satisfactorily explained to me; (F) That I have been given an opportunity to consult with an attorney of my choice before signing the surrender of my rights; and (G) That the surrender of my rights has been knowingly, intentionally, freely, and voluntarily made by me. This day of , . (Parent, guardian, or alleged biological father) Adult witness Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires: .”
“LEGAL MOTHER’S AFFIDAVIT NOTICE TO LEGAL MOTHER: This is an important legal document which deals with the child’s right to have his or her biological father’s rights properly determined. You have the right not to disclose the name and address of the biological father of the child. Understand that you are providing this affidavit under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this affidavit you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. The information you provide will be held in strict confidence and will be used only in connection with the adoption of the child. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, , who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: That my name is . That I am the legal mother of a (male) (female) [circle one] child born (name of child) in the State of , County of on (birthdate of child) at : (A.M.) (P.M.) [circle one]. That I am years of age, having been born in the State of , County of on . That my social security number is . That my marital status at the time of the conception of the child was (check the status and complete the appropriate information): ( ) Single, never having been married. ( ) Separated but not legally divorced; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; my spouse’s last known address is ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; we have been separated since ; we last had sexual relations on (date); my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Divorced; the name of my former spouse is ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; we last had sexual relations on (date); my former spouse’s last known address is ; divorce granted in the State of , County of on ; my former spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Legally married; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; and my spouse’s last known address is ; my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Married through common-law marriage relationship prior to January 1, 1997; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; my spouse’s last known address is ; our relationship began in the State of , County of on ; my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Widowed; the name of my deceased spouse was ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; my spouse died on in the County of , State of . That my name and marital status at the time of the birth of the child was (check the status and complete the appropriate information): Name ( ) Single, never having been married. ( ) Separated, but not legally divorced; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; my spouse’s last known address is ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; we have been separated since ; we last had sexual relations on (date); my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Divorced; the name of my former spouse is ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; we last had sexual rela-tions on (date); my spouse’s last known address is ; divorce granted in the State of , County of ; my former spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Legally married; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; my spouse’s last known address is ; my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Married through common-law relationship prior to Janu-ary 1, 1997; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; my spouse’s last known address is ; our relationship began in the State of , County of on ; my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Widowed; the name of my deceased spouse was ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; my spouse died on in the County of , State of ; he (was) (was not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. That the name of the biological father of the child is (complete appropriate response): Known to me and is (); Known to me but I expressly decline to identify him because ; or Unknown to me because . That the last known address of the biological father of the child is (complete appropriate response): Known to me and is ; Known to me but I expressly decline to provide his address because ; or Unknown to me because . That, to the best of my knowledge, I (am) (am not) [circle one] an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe, (am) (am not) [circle one] a resident of an American Indian reservation, or (am) (am not) [circle one] an Alaskan native. If so: (A) The name of my American Indian tribe is . (B) The percentage of my American Indian blood is percent. That, to the best of my knowledge, a member of my family (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe, (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] a resident of an American Indian reservation, or (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] an Alaskan native. If so: (A) The name of the American Indian tribe is . (B) The percentage of my American Indian blood is percent. (C) My relatives with American Indian or Alaskan native blood are . (D) The name of the American Indian tribe is . (E) The name of each enrolled member is , and his or her corresponding registration or identification number is . That, to the best of my knowledge, the biological father or a member of his family (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe, (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] a resident of an American Indian reservation, or (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] an Alaskan native. If so: (A) The name of his American Indian tribe is . (B) The percentage of his American Indian blood is percent. (C) His relatives with American Indian or Alaskan native blood are . (D) The name of each enrolled member is , and his or her corresponding registration or identification number is . That the date of birth of the biological father (is , ) (is not known to me) [circle one]. That the biological father (is) (is not) [circle one] on active duty in a branch of the United States armed forces. If so: (A) The branch of his service is (Army) (Navy) (Marine) (Air Force) (Coast Guard) [circle one]. (B) His rank is . (C) His duty station is . If applicable, please provide any additional available informa-tion regarding his military service. . That the biological father of the child, whether or not identified in this document (circle the appropriate phrase): (Was) (Was not) married to me at the time this child was conceived; (Was) (Was not) married to me at any time during my preg-nancy with this child; (Was) (Was not) married to me at the time that this child was born; (Did) (Did not) marry me after the child was born and recog-nize the child as his own; (Has) (Has not) been determined to be the child’s father by a final paternity order of a court; (Has) (Has not) legitimated the child by a final court order; (Has) (Has not) lived with the child; (Has) (Has not) contributed to its support; (Has) (Has not) provided for my support during my pregnancy or hospitalization for the birth of the child; and (Has) (Has not) provided for my medical care during my pregnancy or hospitalization for the birth of the child. That I (have) (have not) [circle one] consented to the appointment of a temporary guardian for the child. If so, the name of the temporary guardian is , and the probate court in which the petition for temporary guardianship was filed is . That custody of the child has been awarded to (name and address of custodian) by order of the Court of County, State of , entered on (date). That I have received or been promised the following financial assistance, either directly or indirectly, from whatever source, in connection with my pregnancy, the birth of the child, and the child’s placement for adoption: . That I recognize that if I knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this affidavit I will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. (Legal mother) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires .”
“ADOPTIVE MOTHER’S AFFIDAVIT NOTICE TO ADOPTIVE MOTHER: This is an important legal document which deals with the adopted child’s right to have his or her legal father’s rights properly determined. Understand that you are providing this affidavit under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this affidavit you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. The information you provide will be held in strict confidence and will be used only in connection with the adoption of the child. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, , who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: That my name is . That I am the adoptive mother of a (male) (female) [circle one] child born (name of child) in the State of , County of on (birthdate of child) at : (A.M.) (P.M.) [circle one]. That I am years of age, having been born in the State of , County of on . That my social security number is . That my marital status is (check the status and complete the appropriate information): ( ) Single, never having been married. ( ) Separated but not legally divorced; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; my spouse’s last known address is ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; we have been separated since ; we last had sexual relations on (date); my spouse (did) (did not) [circle one] also adopt said child; my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Divorced; the name of my former spouse is ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; we last had sexual relations on (date); my former spouse’s last known address is ; divorce granted in the State of , County of on ; my former spouse (did) (did not) [circle one] also adopt said child; my former spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Legally married; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; my spouse’s last known address is ; my spouse (did) (did not) [circle one] also adopt said child; my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Married through common-law marriage relationship prior to January 1, 1997; the name of my spouse (was) (is) [circle one] ; my spouse’s last known address is ; our relationship began in the State of , County of on ; my spouse (did) (did not) [circle one] also adopt said child; my spouse (is) (is not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. ( ) Widowed; the name of my deceased spouse was ; we were married in the State of , County of on ; my spouse died on in the County of , State of ; he (did) (did not) [circle one] also adopt said child; he (was) (was not) [circle one] the biological father of said child. That I adopted the child in the State of , County of . That the final order of adoption was entered on . That there (was) (was not) [circle one] an adoption agency involved in the placement of the child with me for adoption; and if so its name was , and its address is . That I (have) (have not) [circle one] consented to the appointment of a temporary guardian for the child. If so, the name of the temporary guardian is: , and the probate court in which the petition for temporary guardianship was filed is . That custody of the child has been awarded to (name and address of custodian) by order of the Court of County, State of , entered on (date). That I have received or been promised the following financial assistance, either directly or indirectly, from whatever source, in connection with the child’s placement for adoption: . That I recognize that if I knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this affidavit I will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. (Adoptive mother) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires: .”
“AFFIDAVIT OF CHILD-PLACING AGENCY,OUT-OF-STATE LICENSED AGENCY, ORDEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, , who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: That I am (position) of (name of department, child-placing agency, or out-of-state licensed agency). That prior to the execution of the accompanying SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION by , releasing and surrendering all of (his) (her) [circle one] rights in a (male) (female) [circle one] child born (name of child) on (birthdate of child) at : (A.M.) (P.M.) [circle one], I reviewed with and explained to such individual all of the provisions of the surrender of rights, and particularly the provisions which provide that the surrender is a full surrender of all rights to the child. That based on my review and explanation to such individual, it is my opinion that such individual knowingly, intentionally, freely, and voluntarily executed the SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION. (Representative) (Department or agency name) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires: .”
“AFFIDAVIT OF REPRESENTATIVE STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, , who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: That my name is . That my address is . That prior to the execution of the accompanying SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION by , releasing and surrendering all of (his) (her) [circle one] rights in a (male) (female) [circle one] child born (name of child) on (birthdate of child) at : (A.M.) (P.M.) [circle one], I reviewed with and explained to such individual all of the provisions of the surrender of rights, and particularly the provisions which provide that the surrender is a full surrender of all rights to the child. That based on my review and explanation to such individual, it is my opinion that such individual knowingly, intentionally, freely, and voluntarily executed the SURRENDER OF RIGHTS/FINAL RELEASE FOR ADOPTION. (Petitioner’s representative or the representative of the individual signing the surrender) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires: .”
“PARENTAL CONSENT TO STEPPARENT ADOPTION STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of parent) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: I, the undersigned, hereby consent that my spouse (name of spouse) adopt my (son) (daughter) [circle one], (name of child), whose date of birth is , and in so doing I in no way relinquish or surrender my parental rights to the child. I further acknowledge service of a copy of the petition for adoption of the child as filed on behalf of my spouse, and I hereby consent to the granting of the prayers of the petition for adoption. I also waive all other and further service and notice of any kind and nature in connection with the proceedings. This day of , . (Parent) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires: .”
“NOTICE TO BIOLOGICAL MOTHER: This is an important legal document which will enable the individual you identify as the biological father of your unborn child to sign a pre-birth surrender of his rights so as to place your child for adoption. Understand that you are signing this affidavit under oath and that the information you provide will be held in strict confidence and will be used only in connection with the adoption of your unborn child. STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF BIOLOGICAL MOTHER’S AFFIDAVIT IDENTIFYINGBIOLOGICAL FATHER OF HER UNBORN CHILD Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, , who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: That my name is . That I am years of age, having been born in the State of , County of on . That my social security number is . That I am currently pregnant with a (male) (female) (sex unknown) [circle one] child who is expected to be born on (due date of child). That the name of any alleged biological father is , and his last known address is . That I execute this affidavit so that any alleged biological father I have identified above can be asked to sign a pre-birth surrender of his rights to assist me in placing the child for adoption once the child is born. That I recognize that if I knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this affidavit I will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. (Biological mother) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires: .”
“NOTICE TO BIOLOGICAL OR LEGAL FATHER: This is an important legal document. Understand that you are providing this affidavit under oath and that if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this affidavit you will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. AFFIDAVIT REGARDING NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGEAND MILITARY SERVICE STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF Personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer duly authorized to administer oaths, (name of affiant) who, after having been sworn, deposes and says as follows: 1. That my name is . 2. That I am the (biological) (legal) [circle one] father of a (male) (female) (sex unknown) [circle one] child (born) (yet to be born) [circle one] in the State of , County of on . 3. That I am years of age, having been born in the State of , County of on . 4. That my social security number is . 5. That, to the best of my knowledge, I (am) (am not) [circle one] an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe, (am) (am not) [circle one] a resident of an American Indian reservation, or (am) (am not) [circle one] an Alaskan native. If so: (A) The name of my American Indian tribe is . (B) My registration or identification number is . (C) The percentage of my American Indian blood is percent. 6. That, to the best of my knowledge, a member of my family (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe, (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] a resident of an American Indian reservation, or (is or was) (is not or was not) [circle one] an Alaskan native. If so: (A) The name of the American Indian tribe is . (B) The percentage of my American Indian blood is percent. (C) My relatives with American Indian or Alaskan native blood are . (D) The name of the American Indian tribe is . (E) The name of each enrolled member is , and his or her corresponding registration or identification number is . 7. That I (am) (am not) [circle one] on active duty in a branch of the United States armed forces. If so: (A) The branch of my service is (Army) (Navy) (Marine) (Air Force) (Coast Guard) [circle one]. (B) My rank is . (C) My duty station is . (D) Additional information regarding my military service is . 8. That I have received or been promised the following financial assistance, either directly or indirectly, from whatever source, in connection with the birth of the child and the child’s placement for adoption: . 9. That I recognize that if I knowingly and willfully make a false statement in this affidavit I will be guilty of the crime of false swearing. (Biological or legal father) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , . Notary public (SEAL) My commission expires: .”
History. Code 1981, § 19-8-26 , enacted by Ga. L. 1990, p. 1572, § 5; Ga. L. 1999, p. 81, § 19; Ga. L. 1999, p. 252, § 10; Ga. L. 2000, p. 136, § 19; Ga. L. 2000, p. 1589, § 4; Ga. L. 2004, p. 631, § 19; Ga. L. 2007, p. 342, § 9/HB 497; Ga. L. 2008, p. 324, § 19/SB 455; Ga. L. 2009, p. 8, § 19/SB 46; Ga. L. 2009, p. 453, § 2-2/HB 228; Ga. L. 2009, p. 800, § 4/HB 388; Ga. L. 2011, p. 573, § 7/SB 172; Ga. L. 2018, p. 19, § 1-1/HB 159; Ga. L. 2020, p. 493, § 19/SB 429; Ga. L. 2021, p. 151, § 13/HB 154.
The 2018 amendment, effective September 1, 2018, rewrote this Code section.
The 2020 amendment, effective July 29, 2020, part of an Act to revise, modernize, and correct the Code, revised language and punctuation throughout this Code section.
The 2021 amendment, effective July 1, 2021, inserted the proviso at the end of the fifth sentence of section 5 of the form in subsection (a); inserted “12:00 Midnight eastern standard time or eastern daylight time, whichever is applicable, on” in paragraph B. in subsection (b); inserted the proviso at the end of the fifth sentence in section 8 of the form in subsection (c); inserted the proviso at the end of the fifth sentence in section 4 of the form in subsection (d); inserted the proviso at the end of the fifth sentence in section 6 of the form in subsection (e); in subsection (f), deleted “PRE-BIRTH” following “wait to execute a” in the first undesignated paragraph and inserted the proviso at the end of the fifth sentence in section 6 of the form; in subsection (g), deleted “chosen to retain” following “That I have” at the beginning of paragraph (C) and inserted the proviso at the end of the third sentence in paragraph (C).
Cross references.
Juvenile court orders terminating parental rights, § 15-11-81 et seq.
Code Commission notes.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2018, a comma was inserted following “That” at the beginning of the undesignated paragraph following (E) of the form in subsection (h).
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 2009, p. 800, § 1/HB 388, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that: “This Act shall be known and may be cited as the ‘Option of Adoption Act.’”
Law reviews.
For article, “Continuing Confusion in the Georgia Adoption Process,” see 20 Ga. St. B.J. 62 (1983).